Hello, I am Daniel

Hybrid Entrepreneur | Freelance Agile Delivery Leader | Team Topologies | Ways of Working | Ai & Web3 Enthusiast

Brussels, Belgium
hello@dasmuse.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dleivas/
Hello, I am Daniel

About me

I'm a team leader and web developer with a lot of experience in different industries. I'm great at working independently and also great at working in teams and have a proven track record of being a team player and managing projects. My long-term goal is to impact people positively.



Terms and Conditions of services

My favorite stack for web development in 2024 :

Framework: Astro
Styles: Tailwind
Hosting: Cloudflare
Icons: Tabler Icons
Dependencies: pnpm
Authentication: Supabase
Testing: Vitest & Playwright
Database: Turso (SQLite)